
使用 TypeScript

  • 有關如何使用 TypeScript 搭配每個 Redux Toolkit API 的詳細資訊


Redux Toolkit 是使用 TypeScript 編寫的,其 API 設計為能與 TypeScript 應用程式進行極佳整合。

此頁面提供 Redux Toolkit 中包含的每個不同 API 的具體詳細資訊,以及如何使用 TypeScript 正確輸入這些 API。

請參閱 TypeScript 快速入門教學頁面,以簡要瞭解如何設定並使用 Redux Toolkit 和 React Redux 搭配 TypeScript.




使用 configureStore 的基礎知識顯示在 TypeScript 快速入門教學頁面 中。以下是您可能覺得有用的其他詳細資訊。

取得 State 類型

取得 State 類型的最簡單方法是預先定義根部 reducer 並擷取其 ReturnType。建議將類型命名為 RootState 以避免混淆,因為類型名稱 State 通常會被過度使用。

import { combineReducers } from '@reduxjs/toolkit'
const rootReducer = combineReducers({})
export type RootState = ReturnType<typeof rootReducer>

或者,如果您選擇不自己建立 rootReducer,而是將片段 reducer 直接傳遞給 configureStore(),則需要稍微修改類型以正確推斷根部 reducer

import { configureStore } from '@reduxjs/toolkit'
// ...
const store = configureStore({
reducer: {
one: oneSlice.reducer,
two: twoSlice.reducer,
export type RootState = ReturnType<typeof store.getState>

export default store

如果您將 reducer 直接傳遞給 configureStore(),且未明確定義根部 reducer,則沒有 rootReducer 的參照。您可以參照 store.getState 以取得 State 類型。

import { configureStore } from '@reduxjs/toolkit'
import rootReducer from './rootReducer'
const store = configureStore({
reducer: rootReducer,
export type RootState = ReturnType<typeof store.getState>

取得 Dispatch 類型

如果您想從儲存體取得 Dispatch 類型,可以在建立儲存體後擷取。建議將類型命名為 AppDispatch 以避免混淆,因為類型名稱 Dispatch 通常會被過度使用。您可能會覺得將勾子匯出為如下所示的 useAppDispatch 較為方便,然後在您會呼叫 useDispatch 的任何地方使用它。

import { configureStore } from '@reduxjs/toolkit'
import { useDispatch } from 'react-redux'
import rootReducer from './rootReducer'

const store = configureStore({
reducer: rootReducer,

export type AppDispatch = typeof store.dispatch
export const useAppDispatch = useDispatch.withTypes<AppDispatch>() // Export a hook that can be reused to resolve types

export default store

Dispatch 類型的正確類型

dispatch 函式類型的類型將直接從 middleware 選項推斷。因此,如果您加入類型正確的 middleware,dispatch 應該已經是類型正確的。

由於 TypeScript 在使用擴散運算子結合陣列時,通常會擴展陣列類型,我們建議使用 getDefaultMiddleware() 回傳的 Tuple.concat(...).prepend(...) 方法。

import { configureStore } from '@reduxjs/toolkit'
import additionalMiddleware from 'additional-middleware'
import logger from 'redux-logger'
// @ts-ignore
import untypedMiddleware from 'untyped-middleware'
import rootReducer from './rootReducer'

export type RootState = ReturnType<typeof rootReducer>
const store = configureStore({
reducer: rootReducer,
middleware: (getDefaultMiddleware) =>
// correctly typed middlewares can just be used
// you can also type middlewares manually
untypedMiddleware as Middleware<
(action: Action<'specialAction'>) => number,
// prepend and concat calls can be chained

export type AppDispatch = typeof store.dispatch

export default store

不使用 getDefaultMiddleware 而使用 Tuple

如果您想要完全跳過使用 getDefaultMiddleware,您需要使用 Tuple 來為您的 middleware 陣列進行類型安全的建立。此類別會延伸預設的 JavaScript Array 類型,只會修改 .concat(...) 的型別和新增 .prepend(...) 方法。


import { configureStore, Tuple } from '@reduxjs/toolkit'

reducer: rootReducer,
middleware: () => new Tuple(additionalMiddleware, logger),

使用 React Redux 萃取的 Dispatch 類型

預設情況下,React Redux 的 useDispatch 勾子不包含任何考慮中間件的類型。如果您在派送時需要更明確的 dispatch 函數類型,您可以指定傳回的 dispatch 函數類型,或建立自訂型別版本的 useSelector。請參閱 React Redux 文件 以取得詳細資訊。


對於大多數使用案例,不需要有 action.type 的文字定義,因此可以使用下列內容


這將導致建立的動作為 PayloadActionCreator<number, string> 類型。

不過,在某些設定中,您將需要 action.type 的文字類型。遺憾的是,TypeScript 類型定義不允許混合手動定義和推論的類型參數,因此您必須在泛型定義和實際 JavaScript 程式碼中指定 type

createAction<number, 'test'>('test')


function withPayloadType<T>() {
return (t: T) => ({ payload: t })
createAction('test', withPayloadType<string>())

文字型別 action.type 的替代用法

如果您在區分聯合中使用 action.type 作為區分器,例如在 case 陳述式中正確輸入您的酬載,您可能會對此替代方案感興趣

建立的動作建立器有一個 match 方法,它充當 類型謂詞

const increment = createAction<number>('increment')
function test(action: Action) {
if (increment.match(action)) {
// action.payload inferred correctly here

match 方法與 redux-observable 和 RxJS 的 filter 方法結合使用時也非常有用。


建立類型安全的 Reducer 參數物件

createReducer 的第二個參數是一個接收 ActionReducerMapBuilder 實例的回呼函式

const increment = createAction<number, 'increment'>('increment')
const decrement = createAction<number, 'decrement'>('decrement')
createReducer(0, (builder) =>
.addCase(increment, (state, action) => {
// action is inferred correctly here
.addCase(decrement, (state, action: PayloadAction<string>) => {
// this would error out

輸入 builder.addMatcher

作為 builder.addMatcher 的第一個 matcher 參數,應使用 類型謂詞 函式。因此,第二個 reducer 參數的 action 參數可以由 TypeScript 推斷

function isNumberValueAction(action: UnknownAction): action is PayloadAction<{ value: number }> {
return typeof action.payload.value === 'number'

createReducer({ value: 0 }, builder =>
builder.addMatcher(isNumberValueAction, (state, action) => {
state.value += action.payload.value


由於 createSlice 會為您建立動作和 reducer,因此您不必擔心這裡的類型安全性。動作類型可以內嵌提供

const slice = createSlice({
name: 'test',
initialState: 0,
reducers: {
increment: (state, action: PayloadAction<number>) => state + action.payload,
// now available:
// also available:
slice.caseReducers.increment(0, { type: 'increment', payload: 5 })

如果您有太多案例 reducer,而且內嵌定義會很混亂,或者您想在切片中重複使用案例 reducer,您也可以在 createSlice 呼叫外部定義它們,並將它們輸入為 CaseReducer

type State = number
const increment: CaseReducer<State, PayloadAction<number>> = (state, action) =>
state + action.payload

name: 'test',
initialState: 0,
reducers: {


您可能已經注意到,將 SliceState 類型作為泛型傳遞給 createSlice 並不是一個好主意。這是因為在幾乎所有情況下,createSlice 的後續泛型參數都需要推斷,而 TypeScript 無法在同一個「泛型區塊」內混合泛型類型的明確宣告和推斷。

標準做法是為您的狀態宣告介面或類型,建立一個使用該類型的初始狀態值,並將初始狀態值傳遞給 createSlice。您也可以使用建構 initialState: myInitialState satisfies SliceState as SliceState

type SliceState = { state: 'loading' } | { state: 'finished'; data: string }

// First approach: define the initial state using that type
const initialState: SliceState = { state: 'loading' }

name: 'test1',
initialState, // type SliceState is inferred for the state of the slice
reducers: {},

// Or, cast the initial state as necessary
name: 'test2',
initialState: { state: 'loading' } satisfies SliceState as SliceState,
reducers: {},

這將導致 Slice<SliceState, ...>

使用 prepare 回呼函式定義動作內容

如果您想為動作新增 metaerror 屬性,或自訂動作的 payload,您必須使用 prepare 符號。

在 TypeScript 中使用此符號看起來像這樣

const blogSlice = createSlice({
name: 'blogData',
reducers: {
receivedAll: {
action: PayloadAction<Page[], string, { currentPage: number }>,
) {
state.all = action.payload
state.meta = action.meta
prepare(payload: Page[], currentPage: number) {
return { payload, meta: { currentPage } }


createSlice 會將 slice 中的 name 欄位與 reducer 函式的欄位名稱結合,產生動作類型字串,例如 'test/increment'。這會被強烈型別為確切的值,這要歸功於 TS 的字串文字分析。

你也可以使用 slice.action.myAction.match 類型謂詞,這會將動作物件縮小為確切的類型

const slice = createSlice({
name: 'test',
initialState: 0,
reducers: {
increment: (state, action: PayloadAction<number>) => state + action.payload,

type incrementType = typeof slice.actions.increment.type
// type incrementType = 'test/increment'

function myCustomMiddleware(action: Action) {
if (slice.actions.increment.match(action)) {
// `action` is narrowed down to the type `PayloadAction<number>` here.


使用 extraReducers 的類型安全性

將動作 type 字串對應到 reducer 函式的 reducer 查詢表不容易完全正確地型別。這會影響 createReducercreateSliceextraReducers 參數。因此,就像使用 createReducer 一樣,你應該使用「建構器回呼」方法來定義 reducer 物件參數。

當 slice reducer 需要處理其他 slice 產生的動作類型,或由特定呼叫 createAction 產生的動作類型(例如由 createAsyncThunk 產生的動作)時,這特別有用。

const fetchUserById = createAsyncThunk(
// if you type your function argument here
async (userId: number) => {
const response = await fetch(`https://reqres.in/api/users/${userId}`)
return (await response.json()) as Returned

interface UsersState {
entities: User[]
loading: 'idle' | 'pending' | 'succeeded' | 'failed'

const initialState = {
entities: [],
loading: 'idle',
} satisfies UsersState as UsersState

const usersSlice = createSlice({
name: 'users',
reducers: {
// fill in primary logic here
extraReducers: (builder) => {
builder.addCase(fetchUserById.pending, (state, action) => {
// both `state` and `action` are now correctly typed
// based on the slice state and the `pending` action creator

就像 createReducer 中的 builder,這個 builder 也接受 addMatcher(請參閱 型別 builder.matcher)和 addDefaultCase

所有欄位都是選用的 Payload

如果你嘗試提供所有欄位都是選用的 payload 類型,例如 PayloadAction<Partial<User>>PayloadAction<{value?: string}>,TS 可能無法正確推斷動作類型。

你可以透過 使用自訂 AtLeastOne 工具類型來解決這個問題,以確保至少必須傳入其中一個欄位

type AtLeastOne<T extends Record<string, any>> = keyof T extends infer K
? K extends string
? Pick<T, K & keyof T> & Partial<T>
: never
: never

// Use this type instead of `Partial<MyPayloadType>`
type AtLeastOneUserField = AtLeastOne<User>

createSlice 內型別非同步 Thunk

從 2.0 開始,createSlice 允許 使用回呼語法在 reducers 內定義 thunk

create.asyncThunk 方法的型別處理方式與 createAsyncThunk 相同,只有一個主要差異。

無法將 state 和/或 dispatch 的類型提供為 ThunkApiConfig 的一部分,因為這會導致循環類型。

相反地,需要時宣告類型 - getState() as RootState。您也可以包含明確的回傳類型給 payload 函式,以打破循環類型推論週期。

create.asyncThunk<Todo, string, { rejectValue: { error: string } }>(
// may need to include an explicit return type
async (id: string, thunkApi): Promise<Todo> => {
// Cast types for `getState` and `dispatch` manually
const state = thunkApi.getState() as RootState
const dispatch = thunkApi.dispatch as AppDispatch
try {
const todo = await fetchTodo()
return todo
} catch (e) {
throw thunkApi.rejectWithValue({
error: 'Oh no!',

對於常見的 thunk API 組態選項,提供一個 withTypes 輔助函式

reducers: (create) => {
const createAThunk = create.asyncThunk.withTypes<{
rejectValue: { error: string }

return {
fetchTodo: createAThunk<Todo, string>(async (id, thunkApi) => {
throw thunkApi.rejectWithValue({
error: 'Oh no!',
fetchTodos: createAThunk<Todo[], string>(async (id, thunkApi) => {
throw thunkApi.rejectWithValue({
error: 'Oh no, not again!',

包裝 createSlice

如果您需要重複使用 reducer 邏輯,通常會撰寫 "高階 reducer",以包裝具有額外共用行為的 reducer 函式。這也可以使用 createSlice 執行,但由於 createSlice 類型的複雜性,您必須以非常具體的方式使用 SliceCaseReducersValidateSliceCaseReducers 類型。

以下是此類「通用」包裝 createSlice 呼叫的範例

interface GenericState<T> {
data?: T
status: 'loading' | 'finished' | 'error'

const createGenericSlice = <
Reducers extends SliceCaseReducers<GenericState<T>>,
name = '',
}: {
name: string
initialState: GenericState<T>
reducers: ValidateSliceCaseReducers<GenericState<T>, Reducers>
}) => {
return createSlice({
reducers: {
start(state) {
state.status = 'loading'
* If you want to write to values of the state that depend on the generic
* (in this case: `state.data`, which is T), you might need to specify the
* State type manually here, as it defaults to `Draft<GenericState<T>>`,
* which can sometimes be problematic with yet-unresolved generics.
* This is a general problem when working with immer's Draft type and generics.
success(state: GenericState<T>, action: PayloadAction<T>) {
state.data = action.payload
state.status = 'finished'

const wrappedSlice = createGenericSlice({
name: 'test',
initialState: { status: 'loading' } as GenericState<string>,
reducers: {
magic(state) {
state.status = 'finished'
state.data = 'hocus pocus'


基本 createAsyncThunk 類型

在最常見的使用案例中,您不應該需要明確宣告 createAsyncThunk 呼叫本身的任何類型。

只要提供一個類型給 payloadCreator 參數的第一個參數,就像您對任何函式參數所做的那樣,產生的 thunk 將接受與其輸入參數相同的類型。payloadCreator 的回傳類型也會反映在所有產生的動作類型中。

interface MyData {
// ...

const fetchUserById = createAsyncThunk(
// Declare the type your function argument here:
async (userId: number) => {
const response = await fetch(`https://reqres.in/api/users/${userId}`)
// Inferred return type: Promise<MyData>
return (await response.json()) as MyData

// the parameter of `fetchUserById` is automatically inferred to `number` here
// and dispatching the resulting thunkAction will return a Promise of a correctly
// typed "fulfilled" or "rejected" action.
const lastReturnedAction = await store.dispatch(fetchUserById(3))

輸入 thunkApi 物件

傳遞給 payloadCreator 的第二個參數,稱為 thunkApi,是一個物件,包含來自 thunk 中介軟體的 dispatchgetStateextra 參數的參考,以及一個稱為 rejectWithValue 的實用函式。如果你想在 payloadCreator 中使用這些參數,你需要定義一些泛型參數,因為無法推斷這些參數的類型。此外,由於 TS 無法混合明確和推斷的泛型參數,因此從此處開始,你還必須定義 ReturnedThunkArg 泛型參數。

手動定義 thunkApi 類型


type AsyncThunkConfig = {
/** return type for `thunkApi.getState` */
state?: unknown
/** type for `thunkApi.dispatch` */
dispatch?: Dispatch
/** type of the `extra` argument for the thunk middleware, which will be passed in as `thunkApi.extra` */
extra?: unknown
/** type to be passed into `rejectWithValue`'s first argument that will end up on `rejectedAction.payload` */
rejectValue?: unknown
/** return type of the `serializeError` option callback */
serializedErrorType?: unknown
/** type to be returned from the `getPendingMeta` option callback & merged into `pendingAction.meta` */
pendingMeta?: unknown
/** type to be passed into the second argument of `fulfillWithValue` to finally be merged into `fulfilledAction.meta` */
fulfilledMeta?: unknown
/** type to be passed into the second argument of `rejectWithValue` to finally be merged into `rejectedAction.meta` */
rejectedMeta?: unknown
const fetchUserById = createAsyncThunk<
// Return type of the payload creator
// First argument to the payload creator
// Optional fields for defining thunkApi field types
dispatch: AppDispatch
state: State
extra: {
jwt: string
>('users/fetchById', async (userId, thunkApi) => {
const response = await fetch(`https://reqres.in/api/users/${userId}`, {
headers: {
Authorization: `Bearer ${thunkApi.extra.jwt}`,
return (await response.json()) as MyData

如果你執行一個你已知通常會成功或有預期錯誤格式的請求,你可以傳入一個類型給動作建立器中的 rejectValuereturn rejectWithValue(knownPayload)。這允許你在 reducer 中以及在發送 createAsyncThunk 動作後在元件中參照錯誤 payload。

interface MyKnownError {
errorMessage: string
// ...
interface UserAttributes {
id: string
first_name: string
last_name: string
email: string

const updateUser = createAsyncThunk<
// Return type of the payload creator
// First argument to the payload creator
// Types for ThunkAPI
extra: {
jwt: string
rejectValue: MyKnownError
>('users/update', async (user, thunkApi) => {
const { id, ...userData } = user
const response = await fetch(`https://reqres.in/api/users/${id}`, {
method: 'PUT',
headers: {
Authorization: `Bearer ${thunkApi.extra.jwt}`,
body: JSON.stringify(userData),
if (response.status === 400) {
// Return the known error for future handling
return thunkApi.rejectWithValue((await response.json()) as MyKnownError)
return (await response.json()) as MyData

儘管 statedispatchextrarejectValue 的這種表示法乍看之下可能不常見,但它允許你僅提供你實際需要的類型 - 例如,如果你沒有在 payloadCreator 中存取 getState,則不需要提供 state 的類型。rejectValue 也是如此 - 如果你不需要存取任何潛在的錯誤 payload,你可以忽略它。

此外,你可以利用 createAction 提供的 action.payloadmatch 檢查,作為類型防護,以供你想要存取已定義類型上的已知屬性時使用。範例

  • 在 reducer 中
const usersSlice = createSlice({
name: 'users',
initialState: {
entities: {},
error: null,
reducers: {},
extraReducers: (builder) => {
builder.addCase(updateUser.fulfilled, (state, { payload }) => {
state.entities[payload.id] = payload
builder.addCase(updateUser.rejected, (state, action) => {
if (action.payload) {
// Since we passed in `MyKnownError` to `rejectValue` in `updateUser`, the type information will be available here.
state.error = action.payload.errorMessage
} else {
state.error = action.error
  • 在元件中
const handleUpdateUser = async (userData) => {
const resultAction = await dispatch(updateUser(userData))
if (updateUser.fulfilled.match(resultAction)) {
const user = resultAction.payload
showToast('success', `Updated ${user.name}`)
} else {
if (resultAction.payload) {
// Since we passed in `MyKnownError` to `rejectValue` in `updateUser`, the type information will be available here.
// Note: this would also be a good place to do any handling that relies on the `rejectedWithValue` payload, such as setting field errors
showToast('error', `Update failed: ${resultAction.payload.errorMessage}`)
} else {
showToast('error', `Update failed: ${resultAction.error.message}`)

定義預先輸入的 createAsyncThunk

從 RTK 1.9 開始,你可以定義一個 createAsyncThunk 的「預先輸入」版本,其中可以內建 statedispatchextra 的類型。這讓你可以在呼叫 createAsyncThunk 時一次設定這些類型,而不必重複輸入。

為此,請呼叫 createAsyncThunk.withTypes<>(),並傳入一個物件,其中包含上述 AsyncThunkConfig 類型中任何欄位的欄位名稱和類型。這可能看起來像

const createAppAsyncThunk = createAsyncThunk.withTypes<{
state: RootState
dispatch: AppDispatch
rejectValue: string
extra: { s: string; n: number }

匯入並使用預先輸入的 createAppAsyncThunk 取代原始的 createAppAsyncThunk,類型將自動使用。


輸入 createEntityAdapter 只需要你將實體類型指定為單一泛型參數。

來自 createEntityAdapter 文件的範例在 TypeScript 中看起來像這樣

interface Book {
bookId: number
title: string
// ...

const booksAdapter = createEntityAdapter<Book>({
selectId: (book) => book.bookId,
sortComparer: (a, b) => a.title.localeCompare(b.title),

const booksSlice = createSlice({
name: 'books',
initialState: booksAdapter.getInitialState(),
reducers: {
bookAdded: booksAdapter.addOne,
booksReceived(state, action: PayloadAction<{ books: Book[] }>) {
booksAdapter.setAll(state, action.payload.books)

createEntityAdapternormalizr 搭配使用

當使用像 normalizr 這樣的函式庫時,您正規化的資料將類似於此形狀

result: 1,
entities: {
1: { id: 1, other: 'property' },
2: { id: 2, other: 'property' }

addManyupsertManysetAll 方法都允許您直接傳入此 entities 部分,而不需要額外的轉換步驟。但是,normalizr TS 型別目前並未正確反映結果中可能包含多種資料類型,因此您需要自己指定該類型結構。


type Author = { id: number; name: string }
type Article = { id: number; title: string }
type Comment = { id: number; commenter: number }

export const fetchArticle = createAsyncThunk(
async (id: number) => {
const data = await fakeAPI.articles.show(id)
// Normalize the data so reducers can responded to a predictable payload.
// Note: at the time of writing, normalizr does not automatically infer the result,
// so we explicitly declare the shape of the returned normalized data as a generic arg.
const normalized = normalize<
articles: { [key: string]: Article }
users: { [key: string]: Author }
comments: { [key: string]: Comment }
>(data, articleEntity)
return normalized.entities

export const slice = createSlice({
name: 'articles',
initialState: articlesAdapter.getInitialState(),
reducers: {},
extraReducers: (builder) => {
builder.addCase(fetchArticle.fulfilled, (state, action) => {
// The type signature on action.payload matches what we passed into the generic for `normalize`, allowing us to access specific properties on `payload.articles` if desired
articlesAdapter.upsertMany(state, action.payload.articles)